07 enero 2014

Anuncio: Nuevos Mentores Regionales de PASS para Latino América

Hola a todos, espero que hayan recibido este nuevo 2014 con mucha alegría y con las ganas de seguir siendo mejor cada día (en todo aspecto de sus vidas). Para mi este año empieza con nuevas emociones, una de ellas es la satisfacción y agradecimiento por haber sido nombrado como Mentor Regional de PASS para Latinoamérica para este 2014. Me acompañan en esta nueva aventura un excelente equipo de profesionales reconocidos en el mundo de SQL Server en nuestro idioma, con los cuales esperamos seguir haciendo crecer a los Capítulos de nuestra región y asimismo seguir difundiendo el conocimiento y acceso al aprendizaje o a la obtención de mayores beneficios de SQL Server en nuestros paises.

Con autorización de Karla Landrum de PASS, comparto a continuación parte del email de anuncio oficial donde se reconoce la gran labor de mis buenos amigos del equipo anterior (Jesús, Mary, John y Carlos), e informa de los nuevos integrantes (la parte introductoria de la comunicación ha sido traducida al Español para facilitar la lectura).

Seguimos en contacto a través de este blog y de PASS LATAM!



Hello LATAM Chapter Leaders,

"Les anunciamos al nuevo equipo de Mentores Regionales (MR) de PASS para la región de LATAM para el 2014, pero primero que nada, únanse a mi para extenderle un gran aplauso al equipo de MR que ha representado a su región por muchos años. Ellos han hecho un tremendo trabajo en construir conciencia y crecimiento de PASS a través de los capítulos y eventos de SQL Server para LATAM. PASS agradece a Jesús Gil, Mary Arcia, John Bulla y Carlos Farías por todo su esfuerzo en construir las bases para PASS LATAM. Ustedes son la razón principal de los éxitos vistos en su región. Felicitaciones a todos ustedes por todo lo que han hecho, y continuarán haciendo en sus carreras y en la comunidad SQL Server de PASS.

Otro cambio, específico a Brasil, es la partida de Luciano Moreira. Luciano pasó el último año trabajando de manera cercana con Laerte Junior en continuar el crecimiento de los capítulos locales y eventos SQL Saturday en Brasil. Luciano además llevó el primer evento SQL Saturday a su ciudad Brasilia, con una calurosa asistencia de cerca de 500 personas. ¡Fabuloso! Gracias Luciano por todo lo has hecho para ayudar a continuar con el crecimiento de PASS en Brasil.

Extiendan sus agradecimientos a aquellos Mentores Regionales quienes los ayudaron a ser exitosos.

Con algunos "big shoes to fill" ("espacios grandes que llenar"¿?), es tiempo de anunciar quiénes son los próximos en el rol de Mentor Regional para LATAM comenzando en enero 2014. Por favor, demos la bienvenida a..."


We have a new PASS Regional Mentor team to announce for the LATAM region for 2014, but first, please join me in extending a huge round of applause to the RM team that has represented your region for many years. They have done a tremendous job in building the awareness and growth of PASS through chapters and SQL Server events for the LATAM. PASS wants to “thank” Jesus Gil, Mary Arcia, John Bulla, and Carlos Farias for all their efforts in building the foundation for LATAM PASS. You were the core reason to the successes seen in your region. Congrats to all of you, and all you have done and will continue to do in your careers and in the PASS SQL Server community.

Another change, specific to Brasil, is the departure of Luciano Moreira. Luciano spent the last year working closely with Laerte Junior in continuing the growth of chapters and SQLSaturdays in Brasil, Luciano even bringing the very first SQLSaturday to his home city of Brasilia, with an overwhelming attendance of nearly 500. Fabulous! Thanks Luciano for everything you’ve done to help to continue to grow PASS in Brasil.

Be sure to extend your “thanks” to those Regional Mentors who have helped you become successful.

With some “big shoes to fill” (I hope you all know this expression J), it’s time to announce who is next in the role as Regional Mentors for LATAM beginning January 2014. Please welcome…


LATAM region (outside of Brasil):

Eduardo Castro

Eduardo Castro (ecastrom.blogspot.com) is an architect focused on SQL Server infrastructure and high availability. During his career he has work with projects in industries like Taxes, Water Supply, Power Generation and Administration. Eduardo has been involved with the SQL Server Community for more than 12 years, he is a regular speaker at the local user groups and SQL Saturdays in Latin America. Twitter: @edocastro




Jose ChichillaJose Chinchilla (http://sqljoe.com) is a Microsoft Certified Database Administrator and Business Intelligence Architect, President & CEO of Agile Bay, Inc. with more than 15 years of experience with special focus on architecting, modeling and developing Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solutions. He serves as President of the Tampa Bay Business Intelligence User Group and as a Regional Mentor for PASS. He is a frequent speaker at local user groups, SQL Saturdays, Code Camps, and national events such as PASS Summit. Jose is author of three SQL Server books including SQL Server 2012 Bible (Wiley), Professional SQL Server 2012 Administration (Wrox) and Master Data Services Essentials with SQL Server 2012 (PacktPub). Twitter: @SQLJoe


Jose Redondo

Jose Redondo (http://redondoj.wordpress.com) is an Information Technology System Business Consultant, & design and develop Database & Data Warehouse. He has worked as a consultant for more than 20 years. He enjoys solving business problems to customers in different areas. He knows and has worked with MS SQL Server from version 4.2 both OLTP and OLAP. Currently, he serves as Architect and Consultant BI independent in Caracas, Venezuela and Bogota, Colombia as well as other Latin American countries. He has been involved with technology communities, and especially with SQL Server since 2007 when it was called to create the SQL PASS Community Venezuela - Caracas Chapter in 2009. He has participated in the SQL Saturday as volunteers and speaker. Born in Barranquilla, Colombia but lived more than 20 years in Caracas, Venezuela; and today they reside both in Colombia as well as U.S.A.  E-mail: redondoj@gmail.com Twitter: @redondoj


Alan Koo 2013 - Passport

Alan Koo (http://www.alankoo.com) is a Senior Consultant and Product Manager at Nagnoi, LLC. with more than 13 years of experience working across different industries in the public and private sectors. Former Microsoft MVP in SQL Server from 2008 to 2011. Specialized in Business Intelligence and Performance Management since 2005. Co-founder of Puerto Rico PASS in 2005 and president until 2013. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences through his Microsoft Business Intelligence and more…blog, and other channels/events including SQL Saturdays, 24 Hours of PASS LATAM and the MSDN SQL Server Forums. Other technical passions are NET development and business topics. He is originally from Peru, currently living in Puerto Rico since 2004 together with his wife, son and little daughter. Twitter: @Alan_Koo


For Brasil:

Diego Noare

Diego Nogare (http://www.diegonogare.net) SQL Server MVP since 2008, has MCP, MCTS, MCITP and MCT certifications. PASS Chapter Leader in São Paulo/Brazil. Worked for great companies as Deloitte, GE and Bayer. Worked for the fundation of SolidQ in Brazil and also at Microsoft at SQL Server Team, to improve the SQL Server 2012 launch. Works focused in Business Intelligence at Minha Vida WebPortal. Is frequently speaker in events from Microsoft, Codificando .Net, InetaBR and PASS. Twitter: @DiegoNogare



Remaining for Brasil for another year:

Laerte Junior

Laerte Junior (www.shellyourexperience.com) is a PowerShell MVP, SQL Server specialist and an active member of WW SQL Server and the Windows PowerShell community. He also is a huge Star Wars fan (yes, he has the Darth Vader´s Helmet with the voice changer). He has a passion for DC comics and living the simple life. “May The Force be with all of us”. Twitter: @LaerteSQLDBA

The PASS Regional Mentors will periodically touch base with you to check in and see how things are going, but feel free to reach out to them any time at RM.LATAM@sqlpass.org. Regional Mentors are there to help you in several ways, such as ideas on marketing your user group to help grow your membership and attendance to your meetings, they can provide guidance on how to find speakers, several have hosted events, including SQLSaturdays, so can provide their experience if you are interested in hosting one of PASS’ free community events in your city.

Karla Landrum 
Community Evangelist | PASS Headquarters