28 octubre 2013

Big Data: El qué y el cómo

Hola a todos. Hace unos días participé en el evento “Maratón de Inteligencia de Negocios”, organizada por la Comunidad Intermezo y Microsoft TechNet. Durante este día tuve la oportunidad de presentar una introducción a lo que es (y no es) Big Data y a la estrategia de Microsoft dentro de este nuevo mundo con la sesión que lleva por título este post.

Si quieren ver la lista de sesiones y sus grabaciones para acceso bajo bajo demanda, pueden visitar el link original del evento: http://bit.ly/1a2BTpB.

Comparto a continuación la grabación de la presentación. Lamentablemente el tiempo me quedó corto para realizar una demostración de Hive lo cual estoy en deuda y prometo preparar y publicar próximamente.

Los dejo con el video, espero lo disfruten tanto como yo.

Los slides de la presentación por si la quieren ver con mejor resolución:



15 octubre 2013

SQL Server 2014 Video Series– Installing Sharepoint 2013

This is the second video for the SQL Server 2014 series. In the first video I showed you how to install SQL Server 2014 CPT1 (including Business Intelligence components) in a single server.

Microsoft full story for Business Intelligence solutions is tightly related to SQL Server, Sharepoint and Excel. For this reason, in this new video, I’ll show you how to install and configure a new Sharepoint 2013 in a single server (including PerformancePoint Services, Excel Services and Visio Graph Services) to set you ready to create and deploy your Business Intelligence solutions.

In the next video, we will install and configure Reporting Services (including Power View) in Integrated Mode with our Sharepoint 2013 installation.


14 octubre 2013

SQL Server 2014 Video Series (SQL Server 2014 Installation)

This is the first of a series of videos regarding the new features that SQL Server 2014 will bring us. As you could be aware of, some months ago, Microsoft made public the first public release of SQL Server 2014 (CPT1). SQL Server 2014 as the name indicates, is expected to be launched at some time during 2014. You can download and play installing it by yourself from here.

One of the most promoted new features in this new release of SQL 2014 is without any doubt, the embedded In-Memory engine in the relational engine not just for read-only indexes (as column store indexes) but also for all insert, update and delete transactions as typical in transactional applications. This new in-memory engine technology is coded-named “Hekaton”.

From my perspective, I will be sharing with you the new features and experiences that SQL 2014 will bring us to deliver better business intelligence and performance management solutions.

As it is typical, we will start showing you how to do a basic SQL Server 2014 installation using the CPT1. The next two videos of this series will be related to installing Sharepoint 2013 over SQL Server 2014 and configuring Reporting Services (Power View) in Sharepoint Integrated Mode.

Here the first one. Installing SQL Server 2014 CPT1:

Here some other resources where you can more interesting information about SQL Server 2014:


05 septiembre 2013

TechNet’s subscription retirement and the Microsoft Certified Trainers (MTC) program impact


If you are an MCT, you should already know about the Microsoft TechNet’s retirement announcement plan. Based on this, there has been a lot of discussion inside the MCT community and social networks during the last few weeks. To our benefit, some MCTs had taken the lead and the initiative contacting Microsoft directly to tell them more about the basic tools we as MCTs need in order to keep doing a great job for our students.

One of this MCTs is Kostantin Ceran. For this reason following I‘m sharing Kosta’s last update (with his permission) regarding his communications with the Microsoft Learning team for all MCTs and specially those in the Puerto Rico region.



I am the Regional Lead for Microsoft Certified Trainers in Turkey. Following Microsoft’s announcement about TechNet’s retirement, I have tried to create awareness within Microsoft that the adopted way of action will hurt legitimate customers and will cause long-term financial loss for both parties. I decided to send an e-mail to Steve Ballmer, which was kindly welcomed. This allowed me to discuss the matter with the managers of Microsoft Learning.

Furthermore, I wrote a report about the long-term effects of TNS retirement on the MCT community. I prepared an MCT value proposition and presented it to the management of Microsoft Learning. Their initial reaction was positive and I hope that my report will be able to spark some discussion during the MCT Summit in September.

Today, I have received information that Microsoft have decided to partially remedy the complaints of the MCT community. I am expecting further developments during the next couple of weeks, but as of today, 3 points have been made clear by Microsoft:

  1. TechNet subscribers that have activated their accounts before the 1st of September will receive a “free, one-time, 90 day subscription extension”. This will adjust the date of the current MCT TechNet subscription deadline to 29 June 2014, earliest. The exact date of expiration can be checked from the “My Account” page of the TechNet Subscriptions benefits portal. You can continue to access downloads and licenses until your updated expiration date is over. For details go to http://technet.microsoft.com/subscriptions/default.aspx

  1. TechNet Evaluation Center will start providing access to prior versions of the available trial software. Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Office 2010 are made available as of today. Microsoft stated that they will add additional products over time. For details go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/dn407368

  1. For MCTs only, Microsoft plans to replace their current TechNet NFR Subscription with a new solution (yet to be determined) that will provide them access to non-time bombed software for the duration of the 2014 MCT program membership year. As expected, the software contained in the said solution will be used for instructional purposes only. More details will be available in the coming weeks.

Konstantin Ceran

04 septiembre 2013

Exam 70-461 (T-SQL SQL Server 2012) preparation Jump Start

For all people interested in taking exam 70-461 (requirement for any SQL Server 2012 certification) or in learning more about the new T-SQL enhancements in SQL Server 2012, the SQL Server Team will be presenting a full day online training and best of all, for FREE!. More information and registration here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/dataplatforminsider/archive/2013/09/04/querying-microsoft-sql-server-2012-databases-jump-start-september-13th.aspx. (Thanks to @SQLTitan for the info).



Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases Jump Start–September 13th

If you’re already familiar with database fundamentals and you’ve worked with SQL Server, the Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases Jump Start course will help you take your skills to the next level. You’ll learn about data manipulation and how to alter tables, and you’ll see it all in action in the demos presented by the experts: Brian Alderman, CEO and Founder of MicroTechPoint, and Tobias Ternstrom, Microsoft Program Manager in the SQL Server division. If you’re working on a Microsoft certification, this course will help you prepare for Exam 70-461.

Register now for this course to get a detailed look at:

  • Introduction to SQL Server 2012
  • Advanced SELECT statements
  • SQL Server data types
  • Grouping, aggregating and modifying data
  • Table expressions and SET operators
  • Programming with T-SQL
  • Retrieving SQL Server metadata

This course takes place:

Date: September 13, 2013
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Where: Live, online virtual classroom
Cost: Free!

28 agosto 2013

Introducción a Self Service Business Intelligence con Excel – Parte 2

Como les comenté, hace algunos días tuve la oportunidad de realizar una presentación para el Instituto de Ingenieros en Computadoras (IICOM) de Puerto Rico con respecto a Self Service BI. En este post les presento la segunda parte de dicha presentación y si no lo han hecho ya, los invito a revisar la primera la primera parte de esta serie en éste enlace.

En esta segunda parte nos adentramos al uso de Excel como herramienta de Business Intelligence específicamente haciendo demostraciones de los componentes de Power BI: Power Query, Power View y Power Map. Debido a que el objetivo de la sesión era dar una vista de 360 grados del potencial de Excel como herramienta preferí dejar el tema de Power Pivot para una próxima presentación y en su lugar darle mayor espacio a Power Query.

Esta segunda grabación tiene una duración de casi 1hr 40Mins. Si quieren visitar directamente alguna de las demostraciones, a continuación una guía de los mismos:

  • Power Query: Analizando el uso de los archivos de nuestra PC (11:45)
  • Power Query: Buscando y explorando data – Wikipedia (23:45)
    Lista de Radios en Puerto Rico
    Jugadores de la NBA con mayor cantidad de premios MVP
  • Power Query: Extrayendo datos desde páginas web (43:00)
  • Power Query: Importando  y analizando datos desde GapMinder (1:00:22)
    Índice de Masa Corporal  (BMI), PBI per Cápita (GDP) y Población
  • Power Map Demo (1:31:35)

En cada uno de los demos usando Power Query realizo alguna visualización rápida con pivot tables de Excel o con Power View.

Sin más detalles los dejo con la grabación. Espero lo disfruten.


26 agosto 2013

Introducción a Self Service Business Intelligence con Excel – Parte 1

Hace unos días tuve la oportunidad de brindar un seminario para el Instituto de Ingenieros en Computadora (IICOM) de Puerto Rico. El enfoque del seminario fue llamar al interés de los participantes a que puedan conocer e interesarse de alguna de las nuevas herramientas para el manejo y análisis de datos a las que podamos tener acceso hoy en día.

Por este motivo, preparé este seminario de casi 3 horas de duración en donde la primera parte del mismo y presentada en este post, busca llamar la atención con respecto a las últimas tendencias de las Tecnologías de la Información (TI), así como algunos aspectos básicos de los temas de interés como lo son Big Data y Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI).

Update 1: Incluyo la presentación desde SlideShare para referencia:

En la próxima entrega estaré publicando la segunda parte del seminario, en donde presento demostraciones prácticas de cómo trabajar con Excel como herramienta de Self Service BI, específicamente haciendo uso de Power BI el cual incluye las herramientas Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View y Power Map.

Pónganse cómodos y espero disfruten el video.


19 agosto 2013

Presentación en el CIAPR

Para no perder la costumbre, este miércoles 21 de agosto estaré presentando el tema “Enabling Self Service Business Intelligence using Excel” en la sede central del Instituto del Ingenieros en Computadoras del Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico. El seminario tendrá una duración de dos horas y media, tiempo suficiente para ver un poquito de las novedades de Excel 2013 y Power BI. El ingreso es libre.


A los que estén cerca, espero verlos por ahí.


29 abril 2013

Análisis Predictivo usando Analysis Services 2012

Comparto con ustedes la grabación de mi presentación en el SQL Saturday Puerto Rico 2013 organizado por Puerto Rico PASS, presentando el tema “Predictive Analytics using Analysis Services 2012”. El objetivo de la presentación es mostrar los escenarios de uso, problemas que resuelve el análisis predictivo, y cómo Analysis Services 2012 nos ayuda a trabajar con estos escenarios. Espero lo disfruten tanto como yo.


Probando los sabores de Analysis Services 2012

Comparto con ustedes la grabación de mi presentación en el SQL Saturday Puerto Rico 2013 organizado por Puerto Rico PASS, presentando el tema “Tasting the Flavors of Analysis Services 2012”. El objetivo de la presentación es ayudarles a entender y decidir la versión de PowerPivot y/o Analysis Services que pueden usar según las necesidades del negocio o las capacidades técnicas de cada una de las opciones. Espero lo disfruten tanto como yo.


21 marzo 2013

IT Cloud Skills Gap - A certificarse en temas de la Nube

Looking at your next move for your IT career?

…according to IDC, 1.7 million unfilled cloud-related jobs in 2012. 7 million open cloud positions within the next three years. A near-crisis in IT hiring circles to find qualified candidates with essential experience, training and certification.”

View full image Microsoft Learning

04 marzo 2013

Microsoft Data Explorer Preview for Excel–Part 1

Some days ago, Microsoft released the first public preview of Microsoft Data Explorer for Excel (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36803) as strategy to enforce their Self-Service Business Intelligence strategy beyond PowerPivot and Power View.

This new and very interesting tool which installs an Excel Add-In for Excel 2010 SP1 and Excel 2013, is described by the Microsoft website as a tool that “...simplify access to public and corporate data. Easily discover, combine, and refine data for better analysis in Excel.“

To unveil what this new tool brings us, this is the first part of a series of post to discover some of the capabilities of Data Explorer. Let’s begin!

After you install Data Explorer, you will see a new ribbon in Excel:


For this first post, we will play with the Online Search feature, that allows us to search and discover data in public sources. For this preview, the search is limited to Wikipedia but it is expected to expand the number of public sources in the next releases:


The Online Seach pane opens:


Try a new search related to the highest income States which relative quickly shows 112 results distributed in pages:


If you mouse-over the search results, an automatic new Excel sheet named “preview” appears and shows a preview of the data exposed by each search result:


You can move your mouse to the next result and the same will happen for the new data source. Additional information is shown in the preview such as the description and the original URL for the data source:


If you clic over one of the data sources, you will navigate to the original webpage. In this case Wikipedia:


When you finally find your data source you need to clic on “USE” to get the data to your Excel spreadsheet:


Data will be downloaded to a new sheet:


The Query Settings pane appears with some new options and update information for the recent query:


You can personalize the default query by clicking Filter & Shape:


The “Edit Query” window opens showing the OData query for this data source:


If you clic over the row number you will get a preview of the whole row in form view:


Part of the “power” of Data Explorer is shown when you right clic selecting any column. You can change the data type, hide some rows, aggregate rows using a group by among other options. We will explore more of these options in future posts:


Other very interesting feature is that everything that you do with your query is “recorded” and shown in the Steps pane inside the Query Editor:


The first step is the selection of the “Source”:


If you clic over the Source step, the OData Feed query is shown:


I will perform some additional actions over my query:


Accordingly, the Steps are updated with each query “transformation”:


Now I removed the last two steps and filter the States begining with “A”:


The OData query and data are updated:



Now sort the Median Household Income descending:


Query and Steps are updated:



Going back to the Query Pane in Excel, you can notice some options about the data load in the third section: “Enable download” allow to enable or disable the use of the query. “Load to worksheet” indicates Data Explorer if in addition to create the data source query, Excel should download the data to a new Excel sheet. The last option “Load to data model” indicates Data Explorer to download the data to the workbook Power Pivot data model.

In this case we will turn-off the “Load to Worksheet” and load the data directly to our PowerPivot model:


Data is removed from the sheet:


After it indicates data has been loaded to data model, we open the Manage model from the PowerPivot ribbon:


Having the data in PowerPivot allows you to create very complex and powerful data models:


Just to show you how easy is to play with our new dataset, you can create new Pivot Tables or better, if you have Excel 2013,  create a new Power View report:




Wrapping up…

As you saw, the new Microsoft Data Explorer Preview for Excel makes honor to its name and description, putting in the hands of the end-user (Information Worker in the Microsoft lingo), a very simple to use and powerful way to discover and obtain new data from local and external sources to enrich our analysis, even from non relational sources such as Wikipedia pages, fast and easy as never before. In the next post we will play with more of one source of data and the merge capabilities.


29 enero 2013

Webcast Análisis Predictivo con Analysis Sevices

Hace unos días tuve la oportunidad de presentar el tema que titula este post, dirigido al Capítulo Virtual de SQL Server en Español el cual comparto a continuación.

Es bueno resaltar que ya hace un par de meses había presentado el mismo tema para PASS LATAM 24 Horas, pero en aquella ocasión no pudimos dar los demos por temas técnicos, pero ofrecí grabarlos en el futuro cercano. Lo prometido es deuda.

