05 septiembre 2013

TechNet’s subscription retirement and the Microsoft Certified Trainers (MTC) program impact


If you are an MCT, you should already know about the Microsoft TechNet’s retirement announcement plan. Based on this, there has been a lot of discussion inside the MCT community and social networks during the last few weeks. To our benefit, some MCTs had taken the lead and the initiative contacting Microsoft directly to tell them more about the basic tools we as MCTs need in order to keep doing a great job for our students.

One of this MCTs is Kostantin Ceran. For this reason following I‘m sharing Kosta’s last update (with his permission) regarding his communications with the Microsoft Learning team for all MCTs and specially those in the Puerto Rico region.



I am the Regional Lead for Microsoft Certified Trainers in Turkey. Following Microsoft’s announcement about TechNet’s retirement, I have tried to create awareness within Microsoft that the adopted way of action will hurt legitimate customers and will cause long-term financial loss for both parties. I decided to send an e-mail to Steve Ballmer, which was kindly welcomed. This allowed me to discuss the matter with the managers of Microsoft Learning.

Furthermore, I wrote a report about the long-term effects of TNS retirement on the MCT community. I prepared an MCT value proposition and presented it to the management of Microsoft Learning. Their initial reaction was positive and I hope that my report will be able to spark some discussion during the MCT Summit in September.

Today, I have received information that Microsoft have decided to partially remedy the complaints of the MCT community. I am expecting further developments during the next couple of weeks, but as of today, 3 points have been made clear by Microsoft:

  1. TechNet subscribers that have activated their accounts before the 1st of September will receive a “free, one-time, 90 day subscription extension”. This will adjust the date of the current MCT TechNet subscription deadline to 29 June 2014, earliest. The exact date of expiration can be checked from the “My Account” page of the TechNet Subscriptions benefits portal. You can continue to access downloads and licenses until your updated expiration date is over. For details go to http://technet.microsoft.com/subscriptions/default.aspx

  1. TechNet Evaluation Center will start providing access to prior versions of the available trial software. Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Office 2010 are made available as of today. Microsoft stated that they will add additional products over time. For details go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/dn407368

  1. For MCTs only, Microsoft plans to replace their current TechNet NFR Subscription with a new solution (yet to be determined) that will provide them access to non-time bombed software for the duration of the 2014 MCT program membership year. As expected, the software contained in the said solution will be used for instructional purposes only. More details will be available in the coming weeks.

Konstantin Ceran

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