28 octubre 2013

Big Data: El qué y el cómo

Hola a todos. Hace unos días participé en el evento “Maratón de Inteligencia de Negocios”, organizada por la Comunidad Intermezo y Microsoft TechNet. Durante este día tuve la oportunidad de presentar una introducción a lo que es (y no es) Big Data y a la estrategia de Microsoft dentro de este nuevo mundo con la sesión que lleva por título este post.

Si quieren ver la lista de sesiones y sus grabaciones para acceso bajo bajo demanda, pueden visitar el link original del evento: http://bit.ly/1a2BTpB.

Comparto a continuación la grabación de la presentación. Lamentablemente el tiempo me quedó corto para realizar una demostración de Hive lo cual estoy en deuda y prometo preparar y publicar próximamente.

Los dejo con el video, espero lo disfruten tanto como yo.

Los slides de la presentación por si la quieren ver con mejor resolución:



15 octubre 2013

SQL Server 2014 Video Series– Installing Sharepoint 2013

This is the second video for the SQL Server 2014 series. In the first video I showed you how to install SQL Server 2014 CPT1 (including Business Intelligence components) in a single server.

Microsoft full story for Business Intelligence solutions is tightly related to SQL Server, Sharepoint and Excel. For this reason, in this new video, I’ll show you how to install and configure a new Sharepoint 2013 in a single server (including PerformancePoint Services, Excel Services and Visio Graph Services) to set you ready to create and deploy your Business Intelligence solutions.

In the next video, we will install and configure Reporting Services (including Power View) in Integrated Mode with our Sharepoint 2013 installation.


14 octubre 2013

SQL Server 2014 Video Series (SQL Server 2014 Installation)

This is the first of a series of videos regarding the new features that SQL Server 2014 will bring us. As you could be aware of, some months ago, Microsoft made public the first public release of SQL Server 2014 (CPT1). SQL Server 2014 as the name indicates, is expected to be launched at some time during 2014. You can download and play installing it by yourself from here.

One of the most promoted new features in this new release of SQL 2014 is without any doubt, the embedded In-Memory engine in the relational engine not just for read-only indexes (as column store indexes) but also for all insert, update and delete transactions as typical in transactional applications. This new in-memory engine technology is coded-named “Hekaton”.

From my perspective, I will be sharing with you the new features and experiences that SQL 2014 will bring us to deliver better business intelligence and performance management solutions.

As it is typical, we will start showing you how to do a basic SQL Server 2014 installation using the CPT1. The next two videos of this series will be related to installing Sharepoint 2013 over SQL Server 2014 and configuring Reporting Services (Power View) in Sharepoint Integrated Mode.

Here the first one. Installing SQL Server 2014 CPT1:

Here some other resources where you can more interesting information about SQL Server 2014:
